Detecting a leak early

Leak prevention is one of the most important aspects of care and maintenance to a property be it a private or commercial. On so many occasion’s leaks go undetected and miss managed until its to late, having this issue can also cause a multitude of problems from damaged flooring structures foundations and wall damage. Also the amount of water being wasted. Water is a commodity that needs to be looked after and maintained, having seen plenty of sites that have been damaged by water leaks is outstanding. In Perth Western Australia it’s a very dry state we tend to have very long summers so water is precious not to mention costly in the event that you are wasting water from leaks.

At Perth Metro Leak detection our job is to carry out the specific tests required so that we can have the ability to save you time and money.

Fom WaterCorp on how to find a leak.

I have a leak, how do I find it?

If your leak test showed that you have a leak then you need to investigate where the leak is located.

Inside your home

  • Look in the kitchen, bathroom/s and laundry for dripping taps or leaking washing machine and dishwasher connections.
  • Damp patches on the walls may also indicate a leak.
  • You can check your toilet cistern for leaks by placing a few drops of food colouring in the tank. Without flushing it, look for colouring in the toilet bowl. If it’s getting through then you have a leak.

Outside your home

  • Look in your outdoor garden for dripping taps or hoses, and check irrigation systems (including sprinklers).
  • Other items to check include automatic solenoids, manual isolation valves and exposed pipe work.
  • Hot water systems and air conditioning units can sometimes leak, so make sure you check them for leaks.
  • Damp and unstable brick paving and garden areas that may be moist and greener than expected can be a sign of leak.

Irrigation systems

  • Irrigation systems often use the most water in a household and leaks in these systems can be costly.
  • Regularly test your garden irrigation system for leaks.
  • Try to be home when your irrigation system is scheduled to run so that you can detect a leak.