Leaks happen all over the place most of the time, it’s unavoidable because of the sheer pressure and hardware used to carry the large volumes of water. In Australia, Perth Metro Leak Detection can tell you a few stories on how Leaks could have been avoided by just using the correct care and maintenance. 

The tap, bathtub that’s leaky or the toilet that’s leaking is not only costing you in wasted water but it’s costing you in wasted time and money not to mention the repair bill. It’s like running a car with no oil in it why would you do it. Care needs to be given to all hardware otherwise things fail. 


Sam had just returned home in 2018 after spending holidays in the southern parts of W.A. 

After returning home from the South West of Australia he noticed the ceiling in the bedroom a few feet away from the toilet door, the paint was damp and the ceiling was sagging slightly, it bubbled and looked like doughy crust, obviously a situation in the roof relating to water as it was damp. 

Sam’s words o shit we have a leak in the roof….!!

Sam straight away called a mate who referred him to Perth Metro Leak Detection services a Professional Team based in W.A quickly and promptly responding to the situation arrived to help Sam out. The job not only involved sorting the water out from the main, turning it off but sorting the source of the leak and the piping hardware location.  

Perth Metro Leak Detection in Perth W.A can find and source even the most difficult of locations. They pride themselves on quality can-do attitude and contact, not a yeah naa yeahhhh naaa no call back approach. Perth Metro Leak Detection Services are ready to help you.

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